Art loan to the Quest Center, part of New Bedford Creative’s artwork-on-loan program, 2024.

The creation of “WHITE FENCE” was catalyzed by these nationwide protests, which saw over half a million individuals rallying across more than 500 locations in the United States. This mobilization reflects a collective yearning for social change and justice, aligning closely with Francis’s commitment to art as a means of addressing and challenging societal norms. The sculpture, exhibited in the “Protest and Power” exhibition at the Massachusetts College of Art and Design’s MassArt xSoWa gallery in 2021, serves not only as an artistic statement but also as an invitation to engage with the ongoing dialogue about equity and access in American society.
Francis’s sculpture investigates the duality of the “American Dream.” The white fence, a symbol of prosperity and success, simultaneously represents the barriers that prevent many from achieving that very dream. The piece’s architectural form invites viewers to introspect on their own positions within this framework. The bends in the wooden structure allude to Martin Luther King Jr.’s philosophy of passive resistance, emphasizing a non- confrontational approach to social change.
Moreover, “WHITE FENCE” incorporates references to historical injustices. The inclusion of cross-like forms serves as a poignant reminder of the early American settlers who brought with them not only the Bible but also colonial violence against indigenous populations. This layered narrative invites viewers to confront the contradictions embedded within the nation’s foundational stories.
Importantly, the openness of the sculpture allows viewers to pass through its form, symbolizing unity and cooperation rather than exclusion. By enabling accessibility, Francis promotes a message of inclusivity, suggesting that collaboration is essential in striving for justice and equity.
In conclusion, Keith Francis’s “WHITE FENCE” exemplifies the role of contemporary art in addressing
pressing social issues. His work not only contributes to the ongoing academic discourse around art and activism but also resonates with the lived experiences and struggles of marginalized communities in contemporary society. As an artist, Francis invites dialogue, reflection, and ultimately, a vision for a more inclusive future.
pressing social issues. His work not only contributes to the ongoing academic discourse around art and activism but also resonates with the lived experiences and struggles of marginalized communities in contemporary society. As an artist, Francis invites dialogue, reflection, and ultimately, a vision for a more inclusive future.